
Best songs you've never heard...

In case you've never seen this, feast your eyes:
Then log in and listen to some cool stuff by unsigned writers. This particular group represents the finalists for 2004 in each respective category.
My buddy Adam Kowalczyk is up for the honors, so give his little ditty a listen. I also like "Paris" (some Canadian group), among others.

Vote for your faves!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like somebody should have come up with the catch phrase for that "Beerholder" song WAY before now...

11 February, 2005 17:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I met some Canadians last night in Billyburg. This one girl said "I'm getting tired of Franz Ferdinand and The Killers" and I, confused, thought to say "I thought Toronto was cool!" But instead I tried to convince her to come with me to a gay bar in Manhattan. Also, let the record show thaht she didn't come, only because it didn't seem likely we were gonna be able to get her 20 year old ass in tha place!! So I didn't go for those frozen Cosmos after all and stayed on to dance my way into her "heart". That was a no go (only in retrospect), but I did manage to obtain the email of a lady with whom I shared a brief moment dancing within a gigantic hula hoop she had emprunteed. Just a little context inspired by the above Paris content. Ciao!!

20 February, 2005 19:00  

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